Web Development Packages



5 Pages


Zoom Gallery

Contact Form

Managed Admin Panel

2 Editable Sections

Domain + Hosting



8 Pages

All Baisc Features

Social Integration

4 Dynamic Sections

Live Chat Integration

Search Engine Friendly

Dynamic Nevigation



13 Pages

All Average Features

PHP Dynamic Page

Logo designing

Graphics uses

Payment Gateway

SMS Api Integration



Unlimited Pages

All Standard Features

User Panel

Sub Admin Panel

Custom Features

On Page SEO

Google Indexing

Website Development Services in Jaipur by Segment Web

Do you have any existing business or going to kick starts new business? If yes, than you should stay on this page & understand how a website can grow your business very fast. You start a business after lot of case studies and reasearch and hope for good returns of your investments and manpower consumption. But when you enter in real market, you face real challenges and difficulties to grow up business which is marketing, promotions & getting potential customers. If you already captured local market & getting customers, than you probably think to enter in global market. Well, Segmentweb provides end to end solutions & assistance to boost your business & your brand promotion in global market through our web services.

Your first step to boost business -
For boosting your business your first step should be create a website. We do perfect website designing / development for your requirement. If you are understand now importance of website for your business, just make us a call at +91-8952023657, we will be happy to send you quotation as per your requirements.

Need Web Service? CALL +91-8952023657 Now